Little O' This, Weight

Gas Station

It’s been a month since I started Weight Watchers and am pleased to report that the weight loss tally is hovering around 6 lbs.  This is good.  I’m feeling healthier and happier and…gassier.  Oooo, baby.  It must be the high fiber content in my changed diet:  the fruits and veggies, the corn bran cereal, the berries, the popcorn.  Curiously enough, however, I have not really been eating any eggs and herein lies the mystery.  If I am not ingesting any eggs then how is it possible that every time I toot (which is about 456 times an hour) it smells like I am dispensing a hard-boiled egg that has been perched in a sunbeam for a few too many hours?

I will be at work all day today, but thankfully the full-time secretary will also be in the office so I’ll be able to blame the noxious fumes on her.  (Hi, Heidi!!)


  • are you eating a lot of dried fruit? the sulfites in the dried fruit make your toots smell like sulfur, hence the egg smell. my friends prohibit me from eating dried fruit. I mean, they literally tackle me and throw the fruit down the toilet. I can probably evacuate a small country with my toots. it’s quite a talent, really.

    congrats on feeling healthier.

  • hahahahahahaha. this is hilarious. hahahaah

  • Just want to say – for the record – I NEVER emit noxious fumes! We are totally blaming you! Heidi F

  • Inherited from your mother — for the record.

  • Grandpa thinks he’s so funny–He has been known to let loose a few frightfully foul flatulae(I just made that word up-plural of flatula;derived from the Greek.I used to teach medical language,you know!)

  • Hahaha!!!

  • hmmmm…. i feel like i know you that much more now. thanks for sharing.

  • The truth is that it is Me, flatulating through your earthly tush. As My Father chose me to be his sacrifice on earth, so do I choose you to be the vessel for My Holy Gas.

    @Momma: The word is “flatus,” and it’s from the Latin. Believe Me, I know all about the Romans! :-)

  • I found your blog through Laughing Mommy who gave you a Rockin’ Blogger nomination. Apparently she did not smell your fumes!
    I think its more than diet, I think its our bodies betraying us, rotting from the inside. Yes, thats it, its our rotting eggs in our aging ovaries! LOL (at least mine must be, I’m mid 30’s but I think I’m falling apart)
    I can assure you that despite your weight loss, your testimony has scared me away from Weight Watchers for life! Gas is atrocious to me and I still won’t pass it in front of my dh of 18 years unless my body betrays me and I can’t help it, lol.

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