Little O' This


My, oh my, did the weekend ever rush by!  Friday night was a bachelorette party for my dear friend, Steph and the evening was full of rowdy fun.  Saturday was spent cleaning the house (my favourite) and I got down and dirty with the bathroom and scrubbed the ceiling, walls, tub, tiles and floor.  It took far too long and I lost my motivation half way through the task.  After hours of cleaning I was feeling kind of mopey.  I was tired and bored, but also moody and irritable.  I decided to go for a walk down by the lake with Rolo and after 45 minutes of strolling in the breeze I felt like a new woman.  I came home and made smoothies for me and Steve and we sat in the sun gulping down the coolness.  I have never been a huge exercise buff, and am a firm believer that "runner’s high" is nothing more than an urban legend, but I do know that after my walk there must have been some endorphins released which told me it was Ok to enjoy the day and not be a grumpy, toilet-scrubbing wench. 

We closed the day with a dinner of McDonalds eaten on our deck, followed by watching Walk the Line.  What a great movie!  I had already seen it but Steve had not and he really enjoyed it. 

Then, as we all know, yesterday was Mother’s Day.  A commercialized holiday created by Hallmark?  Perhaps.  But I think it’s never a bad idea to stop and say thanks to all the moms in the world.  My mom sent me a sweet card and a copy of Robert Munsch’s I Love You Forever. She’s swell.  Steve and I visited his 96 year-old grandma in the seniors’ village and it was a joy to see her face light up when she laid eyes on the card we’d given her.  She suffers from severe dementia but still always knows who Steve is. 

Tonight we start our prenatal classes and I am looking forward to that.  I am eager to see what kinds of couples will be there and where we’ll fit in on the spectrum.

Today I ordered some books on Movable Type.  I need help!  This move was supposed to inspire me but I have felt more than a little overwhelmed and frustrated with my limitations.  Hopefully I’ll get things figured out soon and have this site looking snappy!


  • Busy girl! And endorphins ROCK! I need to get my butt in gear :)

    Have fun at prenatal!

  • How was prenatal? What did you guys think of it?
    Man you are a cleaning machine, I need some of your energy please!!!

  • My neighbour asked if he could use my lawnmower and I told him of course he could, so long as he didn’t take it out of my garden — Eric Morecambe

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