Family Matters, Little O' This, Weight, What About Blog?


Can I just say that I hate the word “tweak”?

As you can see, I’m playing around with some new banners again.  Bear with me, folks.  You’ll all get to witness my ascent to greatness and in a few years we can look back at these rudimentary beginnings and laugh about them.  Until then, pretend you like them.

I have many random tidbits to share with you so, in no particular order, here they are:

I am having a hard time sticking to Weight Watchers.  I hate this.  I am so good and disciplined all week long but when Friday night hits I’m all, “Flex Points, here we come!” That would be fine, if I actually stayed within the confines of the (measly) 35 flex points I’m allotted each week.  But I haven’t been doing that.  See, I’m the kind of person who reasons, “Well, I’m already a few points over my limit…all hope is lost.  May as well go waaay over and get back on track tomorrow.”  That same kind of reasoning is like saying, “Well, I’ve got a flat tire.  May as well slash the other three since I’m already stuck.”  This is bad.  I always feel terrible about myself and like I’m failing.  I know I can do this, I know I can stick with it.  I have never been this close to my goal weight before and I don’t want to give up now.  So, any words of wisdom from people who’ve been there or are struggling with the same thing?  Short of blogging about every point I consume, should I maybe look for some accountability here on my site and tell you about my weekly weigh-ins so I’ll be more motivated to stick with the plan since the shame of blogging, “I gained 12 pounds this week” would simply be too great?  Or would you rather not hear about such mundane details?

 I am finally done working full-time and have resumed my regular Monday shift.  This is lovely.  It was really great to be back with the staff but it’s going to be even better to be back with my Turkey Lips.

My brother is here visiting from the prairies and we’re having a jolly good time.  He’s such a ham and always makes Avelyn laugh.   We have plans to do some winery tours, watch Blades of Glory upon its DVD release tomorrow, and well, that’s about it.

May all your Mondays be beautiful ones.



  • You never fail to crack me up, my friend. ‘Twas good to get a glimpse into the humour you and your bro share as well :)

  • I’m on WW now too!

    Sometimes i just need to remind myself of a few things:

    1) This is not permament. Although i will have to continue to eat “healthy” once i reach my weight goal, it will be easier to maintain.

    2) This is not the last opportunity i have to eat so i don’t need it right now.

    3) i can do this and i will feel better about myself in an hour and tomorrow if i don’t eat crap

    4) do something to keep you from thinking about eating said crap. You don’t really want it and you certainly dont’ need it. It’s just your mind playing mean tricks on you.

  • I tried to spread my Flex Points throughout the week, so I didn’t have the whole shebang to plow through on the weekend. When I did save everything up for the weekend, I found it really difficult to stop shoveling the cheese dip in even after I’d hit the Points limit.

  • Please don’t hate me for saying this, but um, the Couch to 5K program was my answer to those measly, awful FlexPoints. A half-hour run four days a week, a little weight lifting and I can pretty much eat whatever I want, within reason, and still lose weight.

    I still eat healthy because it makes me feel good, but the running enables me to stop stressing if the waiter brings me brown sugar butter for my sweet potato fries, and I find myself completely unable to resist.

    Personally, however, I never tire of hearing about people’s weight loss success or lack thereof, so update away in as much mundane detail as you like. I will eat it up, ah, figuratively speaking.

  • I had to go deal with my girl, but I’m back to address the weight issue. YOU LOOK AMAZING. ‘nuf said :)

  • i cannot hear the word ‘tweak’ without thinking of the little spastic dude on south park. :)

  • I’m loving the mom-bod banner. At least now we’re in a new category and don’t have to compare ourselves to those lovely 18 year olds who haven’t had cellulite since they were toddlers…

    I can’t diet, the willpower is just not there, but I can exercise so that’s my solution. What about going for a run or a long walk – does that up your flex points and let you splurge?

  • Dare to be mundane! I will be so glad to have someone to go through this with. :) I have 25 pounds to go and It. Is. AWFUL!

    We can do it.

  • Our lives are kind of parallel right now. I too am on WW (lost 15 lbs) and getting close to my goal but struggling to stay on track for the last two weeks.

    I have decided on two things:
    1. I found store that sells jeans that I don’t want to buy unless I look fabulous in them because they are expensive. But boy do I want to wear some great jeans and look great in them. I have decided to reward myself with a pair of jeans when I reach my goal.

    2. I recently saw a show on Slice called the last 10 lbs boot camp and I am going to put myself through boot camp. I figure I will only have to be hard core with the working out and the minimum daily points for 3-4 weeks to lose the last 10. I can do this because it is for such a short time. Then I will be at my goal and I can get a lifetime membership (something I have always wanted but never achieved). Who know, maybe the working out will stick because it will be so fun (ya right).

    Hope this helps!

  • I’d love to hear more about your weight loss journey. I’m also having a hard time sticking to it and it’s nice to hear from others. Just reading the comments has been a bit inspiring.

  • Love your flat tire analogy. So true. I figure, I have one SPARE TIME so why not make it THREE and I keep eating. Seriously, it is so easy to just DIVE off the wagon when you think you have fallen off it. I do that quite often, like right now!

    Your post is timely cause I am struggling with this myself. Only mine is a tiny bit different. I have been a lifetime member for a while now – met my goal in February of 2006 and have done really good up till now keeping it off. Now I’m up 7-10 pounds and counting. I have been stressed lately and I’m eating EVERYTHING bad (hence the nachos post on my blog right now). I soo feel for you Amanda. I do. The gnawing hunger you talked about..I know the feeling. And it sucks to be that close and just not be able to reach it… but youWILL and you CAN. Just try not to have that attitude about falling off the wagon ya know? Just cause you ate bad for one meal doesn’t mean you have to eat bad the rest of the day. It all adds up.

    I too have been thinking of a way to get really serious again cause I have basically been eating whatever it is I want again and that is why I’m gaining the weight back. I so don’t want to go back where I was, 51 pounds ago!!!

    And I love that you post about the mundane details. I think bloggers should offer support to one another – especially fellow WW members!

    Think how far you’ve come and try not to let it go. Keep moving forward. You look great. Frankly, it doesn’t look like you need to lose another pound….but people tell me that and I think “yea, but you haven’t seen my naked but and stomach.” they would change their tune if they could – ha

    Ok, more info that you wanted, I’m sure.

    Also, tell me how Blades of Glory is….I love Will Ferrell. By the way, you should watch Kicking and Screaming – hilarious!!!

  • This is so not what you may want to hear … but any diet that creates a feeling of deprivation will create within you a feeling a resistance and rebellion, hence the Friday/weekend splurges. Have you considered a plan that is more about moderation, rather than counting points? I recommend books on Intuitive Eating or Mindful Eating. They have been life changing for me.

    And here is the thing; I have a history of eating disorders and body image issues (who doesn’t, right?). I am finally at a point where I love my body as is. I am neither thin nor significantly overweight. I am very active (embarking on an Outward Bound course this Friday for two weeks! Yay) and I am also soft. My body likes to have a little extra body fat. In order for me to decrease my body fat to the point of being lean(er), I would have to seriously restrict my caloric intake. I’m no longer willing to do that.

    I now wish to be KIND to my body and to love her in all conditions. So I eat sensibly and pay attention to my serving sizes. I split lunch with a friend when possible. I eat half my dinner and take home the other half for leftovers. And I eat dessert when the urge strikes. And I don’t apologize for it.

    If I am eating mindfully and also exercising regularly and my body wants to be 148 pounds instead of 138, so be it. Where does your body want to be? What is more important, your goal weight or your happiness? Is trying to lose weight affecting your quality of life? Is it worth it? If it is, then I hope you get wonderful supportive feedback that helps you stick with your points plan. If not, then I hope you allow yourself to love yourself at any weight and put more attention on feeling healthy and eating mindfully then on a magic number.

    Wishing you happiness in all conditions!

  • I went with the “move for more” idea. The more I move the more points I can earn(eat)! You look great so don’t beat yourself up. Also, why kill yourself now only to be pregnant again in a year or so. Once you are done with having kids you can ww all you want!

  • Have you checked to see how many points maintenance would be for you? That makes me feel better about overeating a tad – I know that there is an amount of points I can eat to lose weight, and an amount of points I can eat and not lose weight – but not gain it either. That always makes me feel better about it. And then I just try to get on track for the next week.

    My biggest motivator for those hard weeks is to pick an actual goal. For me it is a trip we are taking in October to reunite with a bunch of college friends that I haven’t seen for years. I want to look GOOD when I get there! And I will reward myself for losing 5 more pounds by going shopping the week before the trip. And I’m excited about that shopping so that’s what is making me stick to the plan.

    Maybe you could set a big date with Steve and look forward to buying a new sexy little outfit to wear out with him? I know he would appreciate it! :)

  • If you need to share your daily or weekly dieting stories and weigh-in scores – GO FOR IT! Whatever will help you! I’d be quite happy hear how you’re doing give inspirational words to help you along :-)

  • I agree with Angella that you look great! I am not much of a dieter, having never been on a serious weight loss journey before, but one thing that struck me is maybe your weight loss goal number is just a smidgen too low. Like it’s your body telling you ‘stop with the dieting this is the number I’m keeping you at!’ and now it’s time to switch gears to maintaining and exercise. Like I said I am definitely no pearl of wisdom but maybe double checking that the number you’re after on the scale is realistic for your specific body might be the answer. I know I’m looking at starting my first weight loss journey in the new year and while I have a number in mind from fitness mags and web sites etc I’ll be scheduling an appointment with my doctor to make sure it’s a realistic number and once I get close I’ll call him up again to see if I’m still doing my body good or if I maybe swung down a bit too far. (just a thought which I’m sure you’ll read with a bit of salt :)).

    As for the banners, so fun! I think it’s neat the things you’re learning to do and while they may not be what you’re after they’re still great.

  • Am loving the new banner.

    I’m having a hard time with WW too. I am working out just fine, it’s the eating that gets me (the weekends, same as you). And I wish I had a great and easy solution. Do this and your weekend woes will disappear! But, I don’t. I need motivation myself, and I think a little accountability and support is good for everyone. So, I’m with Jonniker: I never tire of hearing about weight loss issues and solutions and successes and bumps in the road. (Oh, and Jonniker, I think I’ll check into the Couch to 5K program.)

  • Let me join the group of people who are trying, (or know they should be trying) to lose weight. I think it would be great if you were able to let us know how you’re doing…Maybe it would inspire me!!! (I can only hope!)

    Love the banner! So fun!

  • I’ll be watching the movie tomorrow too…

    no words of wisdom from me. I can’t stick to diets either.

  • Have you tried the Wendie plan? I’m doing WW and all is working now, but a friend of mine reached a plateau and this is the only thing that worked for her. Gave her that bump. First week on it she lost 3.5 lbs. Good luck!

  • I think you’re amazing for sticking with it as long as you have. I have gotten on and fallen off the weight watchers wagon more times than I’d like to admit. But I found this book particularly helpful in changing my attitude towards the slash all the tires philosophy:
    Best wishes! For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing great.

  • I yeild from the land of “No Self-Control” so I can only cheer you for doing as good as you have so far. I shamefully look down and my crumb filled chest and cheese thighs supporting this laptop and stand in awe of your lbs you have shed over the last few months. Bravo!!!!

  • Do you really need to lose more weight? You look fabulous:) Frankly, I am loving reading about youat you are doing(or not doing) and also that sometimes you’re not perfect when it comes to this stuff. It’s encouraging to me. I still have 15 pounds to lose from pregnancy #3. It sucks (she turns 1 on Friday…a full year of being overweight. Ugh).

  • Hey there… I’ve been lurking around for a while now, and this post really hit home for me. I started WW in February, and I’ve lost just about 20 pounds so far (I mean, am I on the slow and steady plan or what??). My goal is 25 pounds – I would reeeeally love to be able to wear all my million pairs of size 8 pants comfortably, and I’ll be there 5 pounds from now. Anyhow, I’ve totally taken weeks off since I started, because sometimes life just HAPPENS, and counting points isn’t reasonable – business trips, college reunions, yada yada. I’m totally fine with losing slowly. However, the last 3 or 4 weeks, I’ve just been a disaster. I’ve gained back a pound or so, and I just CAN’T STOP EATING. I used to be so, so good at sticking with my points, and keeping track – and now I’m all, oh one more chicken finger won’t hurt! Who needs to track their points?? Not me! I need to just freaking BUCKLE DOWN and get these last 5 or 6 pounds off so I can be done! I’ve definitely learned how to eat better, and – most importantly for me – portion control. I just need to get my rear end back in gear. So, all of this to say, I totally feel your pain.

    I know I can do it… and I know you can! We just have to, um… DO IT. So let’s, shall we??

  • Debbie, you make a great point. However, in terms of eating mindfully and sensibly, there are few plans that are as effective, reasonable and do-able as Weight Watchers. All of the principles applied in most healthy eating programs/books, Weight Watchers applies. It sounds silly and frivolous to break them down into “points” like some kind of fad diet, but it is reasonable, and really helps people learn how to eat the foods that are best for them.

    That being said, I will say that the goal weights that Weight Watchers applies are completely unreasonable, and in that, Amanda, I would encourage you to take another look if it’s really killing you. I ultimately ended up at 140, wearing a size 8, and I look (and feel) great, for me. But that is a full FIFTEEN POUNDS HEAVIER than Weight Watchers would have let me get, which is insane. I should not be 125 pounds. No no no. Jesus, I’d have been freakin’ SKELETAL. And also, completely unable to run, because my legs would break off like pretzel rods. No.

  • Amanda! Long time lurker here… I just have to let you know that you have been an inspiration to me. My daughter is about the same age as Avelyn (15 months) and I’m a full 20 pounds over where I’d like to be. You inspired me to join WW and so far I’m down 5 pounds after 2 weeks. All this to say I’d love all the mundane details- especially since you did so well in the beginning, I’d like to see what’s tripping you up now. And perhaps being accountable to us would help. You look AWESOME, sister, so even if you don’t keep going you should be proud.

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