Life of Leisure (Bah!)


A long, long time ago a dear friend of mine did a post about the things she was proud of in her role as stay-at-home mom and then also mentioned the things she was not so proud of. I am going to copy her.


I Am Proud:

-That our TV is rarely on. Sure, we don’t have cable so this makes it easy. But I am glad that the temptation to just plunk Avelyn down in front of the boob tube isn’t even there, because I would certainly abuse it.

-That Avelyn loves fruit. I know it’s probably nothing I did but when people say, “What a good eater! Look how she gobbles up that fruit!” I like to think that I can take credit for introducing it to her and giving her the healthy options.

-That I get dressed everyday. I know this very well may change once I have more than one child at home, but aside from those bleary-eyed first few post-partum weeks I have always opted to wear jeans instead of stretchy pants and a tailored top rather than a baggy hoodie. I just feel better about myself when I look half decent.

-That I’ve basically stayed caught up with Avelyn’s scrapbook. I love scrapbooking and feared that once I had a child I wouldn’t make the time to do it anymore, but that’s not the case. She’s my iddy biddy muse and I love creating pages that chronicle her life with us.

-That I read to Avelyn. It’s only been in recent months that she’s actually developed the attention span to sit and look at a book with me, as opposed to ripping it from my hands and gnawing on the cover. I love watching her point at the pictures and see the little wheels turn in her mind as she processes what I’m reading.

-That I lost the baby weight. As someone who’s struggled with her weight her whole life, I often feared that I would never be able to lose the weight and would be destined to a life of sweat pants and shame. But thanks to Weight Watchers and the support of my friends and family, I’ve done it. It feels great. Even though, as I type this, I am FREAKING STARVING.


I Am Not So Proud:

-Of the three-foot Circle of Stickiness that surrounds Avelyn’s high chair. Yeah, she still thinks it’s hilarious to throw food so there are always mounds of squishy banana, dried hunks of cheese, and regurgitated apple peel under her chair. I wipe it up, half-heartedly, each night but don’t really bother being thorough since I know it will be covered in grimy slime the next day.

-That Avelyn is one of “those” kids who is always covered in arrowroot crumbs, has blueberries ground under her too-long fingernails, and doesn’t always have shoes on in public. I guess I just feel that kids should be able to be kids and have the freedom to be dirty and let their ice cream cone dribble on their shirts every now and again. That, and I’m just lazy.

-That even though I’m home full-time the house is still often in shambles. I feel like I can never get ahead of the cleaning demands. That, and remember? I’m lazy.

-That when I am desperate for a break I’ll toss Avelyn in her high chair with a tray full of blueberries and just zone out on the couch for 10 minutes of pseudo-peace.

-That I really, really love my Mondays at work. I know it’s normal to savour the opportunity to be surrounded by adults and use a skill set other than bum wiping but part of me still feels a little bad that I enjoy the time away from Avelyn so much. While I was working full time this summer I really missed her and felt like I was away far too much but the one day a week is a lovely break and I genuinely think it helps me appreciate my time at home that much more.


There we have it. I think I’m living a fairly balanced Life of a Mother these days: a little guilt, a little pride. It all evens out.

What are you proud of? Give yourself a pat on the back! Whether you’re a mom or not, what’s the thing you’re really proud of yourself for?


  • Your good FAR outweighs your bad. :)

  • I am proud of you.

  • You are doing a fantastic job.
    I’m not a Mom, but I’m proud that I moved to a small town away from anything I know to work in my dream job. Great post Amanda!

  • I guess I’m proud that I walk with my boys every day…pregnant or not…snowy or sunny. For their health and mine!
    I hear ya on the sticky goo around the table. My sons booster has a layer of goo cemented to it. If it doesn’t shake off…it stays there!

  • I’d say you’re doing pretty well!!! I think it’s good to be able to look at your life and pick out those things that you are proud of and to acknowledge some of the things your not so proud of. Thanks for sharing!

  • I’m proud of myself for usually keeping the living room clean – the rest of the house may be in shambles (as I’m also lazy), but the living room is pretty much always clean. It’s like a clutter-free sanctuary.

    Love this post.

  • I’m proud of myself for taking Duncan to the park when I’d rather lie on the couch. I’m proud of myself for still being in touch with everything about his life even though I work full-time (I always chat with the nursery staff even when I have to pee or just want to get home). I’m proud of myself for still breastfeeding so that he doesn’t have to go on prescription formula because of his dairy allergy too – uggh! that stuff is foul.

    I’m not so proud of my non-existant cooking – we get home at 4pm I’m not in the mood to cook when I could play with Duncan instead. I’m not so proud of how emotional I can get after a bad day at work – when I’m home with my family work shouldn’t matter. I’m not so proud of how bored I can get when Duncan and I are playing together and I want to chat – please start talking soon!!!!

  • Oand don’t feel guilty about liking work 1 day away a week! You should enjoy that time because it makes you more balanced and balance is always good. Plus one day a week will be a good social experience for Avelyn.

  • I’m proud that after 25 years of being a couch potato, I have started running and that my two boys (7 and 9) have started running with me. (Slightly less than pleased that they can run sideways whilst chatting 19 to the dozen as I gasp for air, but that’s a minor issue!)

  • Ooh, your post really struck a chord with me today! I might have to have a good think about what I am proud about and not so proud about. The tv thing is a sticky issue, I am guilty of having the tv on quite a bit but strangely as a result Amy doesn’t seem to be remotely interested in whats on it. Its as though its just background to her so she hardly pays it any attention. I like to having cooking shows playing whilst I potter around the kitchen and Amy wanders around picking up bits of tupperware and hiding them! I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, will have to wait and see! Thanks for a really thought provoking post!

  • I, too, am proud that M hasn’t seen much TV – just a few short sinpets here and there so I can cut her finger nails!

    I’m proud that I have found a terrific daycare and have a very happy girl who loves her teachers.

    I’m proud that Maggie loves every food I put in front of her and has not yet tasted the typical “kid foods” of chicken nuggets, mac & cheese or pizza.

    I’m proud to still be breastfeeding as we countdown the final days before her first birthday.

    I’m proud that in nearly 12 months we’ve only spent about $200 on diapers (cloth diapers rock!)

    I’m proud that our book collection is big enough that I’m not yet ready to throw out any of our books just so I don’t have to look at it again.

    I’m not so proud of the (many) times I’ve thought at 2 AM that maybe if I ignore her she’ll fall back asleep.

    I’m not so proud of the number of battery-operated toys I’ve allowed to sneek into our house. There are 4 when there should be none :) (this is more of a they-drive-mama-crazy thing then any elitist attitude towards toys)

    I’m not so proud of the fact that the house is always littered with clutter, no matter how many times we “straighen up”.

    I’m not so proud of the amount of $ I’ve spent on clothes for our little fashion plate.

  • I am proud that I am a not afraid to be a very silly mom. The one that sings, twirls, waves her hands frantically and dances around in front of and with her kid. I can see how much Chloe loves it, laughs and is mimicking that. I want her to be a free spirit and expressive and I know my freedom to do that will open the door for her to laugh at herself and have a good time.

  • What a good Mommy you are!

  • I am proud that I managed to keep Graham alive long enough for him to start Kindergarten today (and that the other two are still breathing too :))

  • I like your list. And your “bad” list is really not bad at all!

    It’s easy for me to come up with things for my “bad” list, much harder to think of what I’m proud of. But one thing that immediately comes to mind is the fact that I’m teaching my kids to be bi-lingual and, so far, they rock!

  • What a lovely post! I’m proud that I made it through my first year of marriage :)

  • Amanda, I’m proud of you for fighting the baby weight and winning. You give me hope because I too, am one of those people that was blessed with a slow metabolism and must either diet or exercise or be plump. KNowing this, watching my sister fight so hard to lose pregnancy weight, and noting my very large aunts, concerns me just a teeny tiny bit about my future in this department. Ppl like you make me realize it can be done!
    And by the way, you look dam good!

  • I totally stole the idea for my blog, I hope that’s ok. I absolutely love your posts and your little girl’s stories just make me smile.

    :) Thanks!

  • I’m so glad you’re letting your kid enjoy being a kid!! I love that my mom wasn’t always wiping my messy face or making me wear dresses all the time. She’s got the world to explore and you’re letting her!!

  • I’m proud I finally started a blog and that I’ve kept it up alongside having a toddler, a full-time job and being very pregnant. I’m also taking an online writing class. Phew!

    Just discovered your blog and really like this post. Will definitely be back.

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